Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

Dear Diary

Lie awake from my deepest dream #halah
Well, i want to tell you one of my favorite song.

Siapa yang nggak tahu Mocca? Browsing gih :p
Gue paling demen sama band satu ini. Lagu-lagu yang soft dan simple bisa bikin perasaan siapa aja meleleh dan hangat. Termasuk perasaan gue #tsaaah
Perasaan jadi ikutan labil dan nggak tentu waktu dengerin lagu-lagunya. Seneng jadi sedih. Sedih jadi seneng. Absurd.
Dulu banget pas gue lagi seneng-senengnya, ga sengaja dengerin lagu ternyeseknya Mocca dan alhasil mewek deh. Oke, lebay. Tapi emang iya, berasa lagi ngalamin gitu aja -_-

Dear diary,
Could you feel the sadness? :')
And oh my, this is my favorite song~
And here "Dear Diary" lyrics

Dear diary 
Let me tell you about my story 
I know it’s rather sad 
But that’s the way I feel 

Dear diary
I don't know if this is right or not 
Start it thinking of leaving him 
But I’m afraid it might hurt him 

All I want is for everything in the right place 
And everyone is happy 
Is it too much to ask for?
All I want is for everything in the right place 
So everyone is happy 
Is that too much to ask for?

Dear diary 
Strong is not exactly right word 
Start it thinking of leaving him 
But I'm afraid it might hurt him 

All I want is for everything is in the right place 
So everyone is happy 
Is that too much to ask for?
All I want is for everything in the right place 
So everyone is happy 
Is that too much to ask for?

Dear diary 
Strong is not exactly the right word 
I don't know what to do know 
Confusion is all over me

5 komentar:

  1. Kalau aku kenal lagunya Mocca sih pas baca cerpen My Love with Mocca nya

    1. duarius
      pas tau langsung downloa*, eh sekarang kepincut sama ke 14 lagunya hehe

    2. keren! :D
      suka sama karakter suaranya kak Arina, apalagi kalo bawain lagu yang sendu-sendu gitu, beeehh, makk jlebb deh ._.

    3. yoi musik jazz dengan vocal cute haha


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Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang membaca~ Salam kenal yaa :D

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